Friday, January 17, 2014

Total purchase invoice amount through X++

How to get a total invoice amount for a purchase order table, You had to take it in consideration for all the charges calculated (ex: tax). I tried to search the purchtable and purcline table for any existing methods. I found one class called purchtotals. there Microsoft calculating all the total amounts of incoice amount, order amount etc. Her...e is the code for this total calculation

PurchtotalsForm totalsForm;
totalsForm = PurchtotalsForm::newPurchTotalsForm(this, 1);
return totalsForm.invoiceAmountValue();

not only you can calculate invoice amount here is the list things you can get it from this class.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Import retail categories through code in dynamics ax 2012

Simple code to import Retail Product category

 EcoResCategory ecoResCategory
 ecoResCategory.Code = 'Test_categoryimport';
 ecoResCategory.Name = 'Test_Categoryimport';

import barcode through X++ in dynamics ax 2012

Some simple code for barcode import

 inventItemBarCode.barcodeSetupId = RetailInventTable::find(itemCode).BarcodeSetupId;
 inventItemBarCode.inventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
 inventItemBarCode.RetailVariantId = InventDimCombination::find(itemCode,inventItemBarCode.inventDimId).RetailVariantId;
 inventItemBarCode.itemId = itemCode;
 inventItemBarCode.description = InventTable::find(itemCode).defaultProductName();
 inventItemBarCode.UnitID = InventTable::find(itemCode).salesUnitId();
 inventItemBarCode.qty = qty;
 inventItemBarCode.useForInput = NoYes::Yes;
 inventItemBarCode.useForPrinting = NoYes::Yes;
 inventItemBarCode.itemBarCode = barcode;

Partial sales order through code in Dynamics ax 2012 R2

I had been searching the internet to find the code. But i couldnt, every code leads to full invoice or line by line invoice. so i did some exploring to come up with a below code it will invoice partial quantity

I updated the partial sales invoice through code...

 SalesFormLetter salesFormLetter =  SalesFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::Invoice);
 SalesTable salesTAble;
 SalesParmLine parmLine;
 salesTable = SalesTable::find('FUAE-000002');
 salesFormLetter.transDate (systemDateGet());
 salesFormLetter.specQty (SalesUpdate::All);
 //If you want proforma you can enable the code
 //salesFormLetter.proforma (true);
 //salesFormLetter.printFormLetter (true);
 salesFormLetter.createParmUpdateFromParmUpdateRecord(salesFormLetter.s alesParmUpdate());

 while select forUpdate parmLine where parmLine.ParmId == salesFormLetter.parmId()
 parmLine.DeliverNow = 10;
 parmLine.setQty(parmLine.salesParmTable().ordering, salesFormLetter.SalesParmUpdate().creditRemaining);