Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hijiri calender in Dynamics AX

Dear All,
this post i got from my senior colleague 
i want to share this with you..if you have any query send to me....

I’ve identified the way to show Hijiri Calender in Dynamics Ax, Generally in Dynamics AX we can’t show Hijiri Calender to user  to select a Hijiri date (when we are not in the Arabic  language/culture mode), Till now  we ask user to just enter the date in the text box then check  the given  date is valid Hijiri date or not by using DotNet DLL. By this way we can show the Hijiri (Arabic) calendar to the user to select the Hijiri (Arabic) Date. All of us can use it in Development  to add the Hijiri Date where ever required. For Chennai office import the attached XPO in to Development Environment.

Steps Taken  to Achieve:
I did a small research to show Hijiri Calender, had a look in the sysdate EDT which is showing Calendar to select a particular date, this EDT is referring to SysDateLookUp Form, then I duplicated the form and made changes as Folllows.
1.Duplicate the SysDateLookUp Form and Name it as HijiriDateLookup.
2. In the Init method set the calendar type to Hijiri Calender (default is from user settings) this will show you the Hijiri Calender. But it will return the Gregorian(English) Date only
3. in CloseSelect method just convert the return date to Hijiri Date, to do this I Added a new method to convert that Gregorian(English) Date to  Hijiri  Date using Native AX Dotnet Namespaces.
4. Created New String  EDT HijriDate  and set lookup ref to this new form, and set some properties to look like default Datetime picker (look at the EDT)
5. refer this EDT in the Table fields or the controls in the form for Hijiri Date.

here you can find one attachment (.XPO) on AX.

Difference between Temporary table and Container

                      Temporary Tables vs. Containers

Microsoft Dynamics AX supports a special data type called a container. This data type can be used just as you would use a temporary table.
Data in containers are stored and retrieved sequentially, but a temporary table enables you to define indexes to speed up data retrieval. Containers provide slower data access if you are working with many records. However, if you are working with only a few records, use a container.
Another important difference between temporary tables and containers is how they are used in method calls. When you pass a temporary table into a method call, it is passed by reference. Containers are passed by value. When a variable is passed by reference, only a pointer to the object is passed into the method. When a variable is passed by value, a new copy of the variable is passed into the method. If the computer has a limited amount of memory, it might start swapping memory to disk, slowing down application execution. When you pass a variable into a method, a temporary table may provide better performance than a container.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dynamics AX interview questions for Technical consultant

I’m going to list out some interview questions I faced…
When I Bing about “dynamics ax interview questions” for technical consultant...I can’t find any clear posts about this… so I want to make this one….so support me on this…if you have any questions you faced on interview post me on below email id. I will publish it behalf of you..

Dynamics Ax 2009 Interview Questions – Part I
  • Can you just tell the table properties that you can remember?
  • What is cache lookup what is it used for?
  • Different types of relation? Explain it detail?
  • Explain OCC & PCC (optimistic concurrency control , Pessimistic concurrency control)
  • Difference between views and tables
  • Explain Queries? What’s it used for?
  • Explain different types of reports?
  • Differentiate auto design spec & Generated design? Which one is a preferable choice and why
  • Primary Key in tables (In dynamics AX don’t have primary key)
  • Explain primary index and Cluster index? Explain in detail?
  • What is the default index for a table?
  • Explain delete action? Types of delete action?
  • What are all the add- on tools you used in Dynamics AX (It’s an indirect question for AIF)
  • Did you work with EP (Enterprise Portal & Workflow) how can you implement this features into your projects
  • Can you just point out some best practice you used when u develop a project?
  • Did you worked with base modules?  Actually I answered this question as  
  • I worked with production module to integrate with our steel process management
  • So can you just point out three classes that you used in production module
  • Explain the posting in production module
  • When you create production order….Can you point out the affecting classes, tables.

I will continue this post …I will post more questions….if anybody knows best answers please mail me your answers at keep me support on this…we help each other…

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lookup with Distinctive values

Yesterday, i faced a question in website. 
                  Click here for a question
                 the question about the lookup in ax. when try to create a lookup we need a distinct values to show. but after the first selection it wont show the distinct value in lookup. i just workaround in ax for that question and find out one tweek.
i just add one line in the lookup coding. you can see that from the answer.
the line was "SysTableLookup.parmUseLookupValue(false);"

Monday, July 11, 2011

Introduction to my new Blog

hello everybody,

            This is my first blog on Dynamics ax. I am working as a Technical consultant in Al-Ayuni contracting and trading corporation. its a second year i m stepping into axapta. Basically i m a .net developer then changed my carrier to axapta. Axapta really pushing the ERP field into innovation. its a solid step from microsoft.
              In this blog i m goin to post every day learning from axapta and links on different blogs on axapta. so i m really excited about creating this blog. if you guys have any queries and suggestion please send to my mail